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InkBlot's MAP Early Bird Interest Form

InkBlot is organizing a Multi-animator Project revolving around Bo and their friends! Join us as we depict the lovely Bo on a wonderful adventure.
By submitting this form, you'll gain the MAP application form to the project a month in advance!

The Project - General Information


September 8th: Early Bird Interest Form Goes Live on Discord!
September 15th: Interest Form Goes Live on Social Media!
September 29th: Last Day For Early Bird Sign Up.
October 1st: Early Bird Application Emails are Sent Out!
October 16th or 17th: General Applications Goes Live!
Project Due Date/Duration: TBA *Schedule is subject to change. Please keep this in mind

What's in Store

Here's a quick look at the characters in the project, the song we'll be using, and a few panels from the storyboard:


NOTE: All characters have a simplified version for ease. The following are just illustrations.
InkBlot Cat Mascot Bo depicted in the Gremlin Pose meme with a back pack leash and Tai the Butterfly on their neck.
| Bo | Pronouns: Any |
BCM's dog mascot Rex
| Rex | Pronouns: He/Him |
Scruffy grey cat with a sprout on their head
|Oleander|Pronouns: They/Them|
A cream and brown cat with gold glasses and a ribbon choker
| Wren | Pronouns: They/Them |
A dark long eared bunny with blue spots and golden bands and earrings
| Nadir | Pronouns: Any |
A brown cow with tall horns, black bangs cover it's eyes, a heart shape mark on it's cheek and with dark spots
| Autumn | Pronouns: The/She |
A black and red pop-eyed goldfish
| TickBait| Pronouns: He/They/It |
A brown and cream colored dog sitting
| Jack | Pronouns: He/Him |
A black horse with a white streak running up it's face and pink nose. There's crescent shaped patterns on the horse, white long fur at his hooves, and flowers decorating her mane.
|Lily| Pronouns: She/He |


Here's the song that staff has chosen for the project!

The Storyboard (sneak peek)

Here are a few screenshots of the storyboard to give you an idea of the feel for the project
Bo depicted running down a stone path while looking back at Rex and Jack
Bo depicted with their head under water looking at TickBait
Bo depicted sitting on a grassy hill at night, staring at the stars with Nadir
Bo depicted on the stony path in the bg, looking towards the foreground where they can see Tai flying near a directional sign.
Storyboard by CE Team Volunteer Iris
More information about the project will be provided in the Early Bird Application

Is this something you're interested in?

If it is, then all you have to do is put in your email below to receive the Early Bird Application when it goes live!

Please provide the best email to contact you at

But, before you submit, here's a few things to consider:

Do you have an animation portfolio you can submit?

Do you have an animation portfolio you can submit?

Do you have Discord access?

Do you have Discord access?

What art programs do you use?